donderdag 31 maart 2011

Microsoft...Search....YouTube.....VK.NL.......EU.......Justice.........Middle Finger!

Another......through Google Front browser page,a link to:
Microsoft go to high court of the E.U. because the head of that topic say's:Google blocks Bing on Youtube....?!?!?!.......Nope.....
Then........i go to BING search page.....get an fox as picture.....thinking on Firefox.......silverlight....does not work..and a silverback only eat leaves in a forest ...also something about rights management for Gorilla's in the mist instead of being bush meat,they have a natural sauna those hairy bastards!!!and the ones who eat them get's Ebola...lalalala its the way nature bringing natural deceases...ow lalalalalaa  ......hhhhmmmm a GNU program called: Goldheavy or Platinumpower or so?!?for all browsers inc. IE9 hehehehe
but ok i use BING search with the words Youtube poepeter...and what does BING give...this site on top---> ke.
Then BING gave me this incl. the search words:YOUTUBE......
and another through the Bing  search engine i found was this...a boy on youtube eating some Microsoft employees from the underside of his shoe--->
hhhmmmmmm strange shit,lawsuits and on and for what....for some shit eating nothing(not the last boy on the picture)he has shit on this whole story in his mind and put his middlefinger up to the whole shit....gravediggers!!!!
The people who talk(strange a mum and dad who say in an autistic frequency to their new born on)don't fill holes full with fuckin' empty rabbits!!!using Duracell battery's...Alkaline......nope!!!Li-Ion in a vibrator...1000 times better..hehehehe and more......but...hhmmm leave it search...with ur engine hahahahha

Done and so they get their income,millions spent,and as stupid as DUMBO with a mouse on his head wearing an Tommy Cooper cap on his skull.....comic isn't it,while Steve Microsoft should wear that cap to cover his bald skull...or i will sell my hair for billions to him..if he agree with that.....FUCK THAT YEAH!
and the one who writes,that one stays!!!not me,i'm typing.....Adios Mazzel SeeYou,byebyeAufwiedersien
vers..9.11 in the new testament of a mentally ill person who want too go too a psych too talk and.......ppppppppffffffffff

Read them all or.....kill em all

World Earthquakes Contignents...

And another point that i found on a side,an important side.........
Was reading this topic on aDutch News Site---> took a look after that at another site.
The globe on it...looking like an chicken egg........
I was pointing with my mouse on a yellow dot on an island of Indonesia..Papua-New Guinea..and what did it "say" m4...go a little bit up with the mouse away from Australia in the ocean and,what did it say........Australia.....???I know Queensland was for some time Ocean but u must be kidding,calling an ocean Australia.....
That must be a joke/mistake??....that area over there,is that not given the name: Oceanie?????




Ow and now i'm typing things about this an extension...Forcastfox....nope not in Firefox...where i live it's 12 degree Celsius....changed it in Fahrenheit....that must be +32 degrees Celcius....but........nope...
12+32=44 and what did the extension "said".....54 Degrees Fahrenheit.......hhhmmmm fast working...create things...making mistakes.........that kind of things...the last 4 words on top of this blog are........

Click.....or not...

woensdag 30 maart 2011

The Great Wall Of China.......

Why...i looked on the net,for this "item"
Now,i was thinking about walls everywhere walls,like u r a Pac-Man in a maze,and when u r stocked, or surrounded like those Jude's building more and more walls,too  complain or for defense and at the same time therapy there....but hey,2nd world war,all captured there,and the Berlin wall there,the east side Jude's and the West side Jude's,The West  Jude's could in that time only complain against that wall about that bad man A(dolph)DH(itler)D with his mates,too their fellow believers,because they had it bad....
And the strange thing is,in this time on earth...the Berlin Wall is demolished
(ey sounds like pac-man he?)
And hey teacher when i was searching for this song from Pinky,i saw this number also....proper
so i guess the complaining humans there have a lot to learn.....but ey that's not the issue in this topic.

My thoughts  that makes the decision to type a topic about this was,this page on Wikipedia.....
I start reading it,and......strange things on that Wiki topic page.

The myth...YES!! the Myth yeah,that those bricks where visible from the moon(also on youtube..hinthint) many humans in the history of humanity have been visiting the moon???Google it...and from which platform cq. continent they came from??Yep....and an antiquair  from the U.K. was talking about that myth in the year 1754............

2nd. about it...and that's really weird...some one in/out of this 
was watching to that wall with he was watching birds...........binoculars!!!!!!!!in a spacelab that high....strange.........Google binoculars and imagine your self being that person....wath was he thinking doing that?????and at least....he thought he had seeing that wall!!!!!THOUGHT yes...real strange,spending biljons of dollars,much risk,and then....he THOUGHT he had seen it,and no it was a river.....Carl Zeiss was in the beginning of his evolution of his product.... or he did it on purpose...and giving the good man there this thing--->

And the topic goes on...that space debris from the past fell in someones backyard ,and so the evolution goes on,MIR,ISS,and on.....a little bit the same as reverse evolution with those walls.......the first with broken pieces,gratify on it and with billions of hands still standing u could say,in a time on earth,only stars fell from the sky(LAB),then the MIR(A peaceful sigh from Russia)...that together with the Berlin Wall,gave the opportunity to shake hands.....and now........The ISS,that together with with the new walls in Israel.....hhhhmmmm i cannot give an answer about that.....the only thing i could think of,is a lot of offensive space shit,that's wanted to hit that "building" the same as those naughty stone throwers or bomb belt  suicide
strange weird persons......
And why????because the aria is mine mineminemine.........damn weird shit walls area's..war...and where is it good for.......
so that Chinese wall history topic on Wiki.....putt my mind on
that western dessert in Africa........can't we or the Chinese coverment send a few millions of their citizens too that area(bullshit of course it's ww.with the help of the web...thinkthinkthink).,and build a great grid of photo voltaic sun catchers instead of doing THIS stupid shit,ey!!!For A few Dollars More...and 3 kings can't clear the job,good bad or ugly..............(hhhmmm mexico also deserts and sun and a lot of mouses there moved too USA with sombreros on their head,said Walt Disney in the past,and that because Meggico City is polluted as HELL,and in Cali they kill those mousses with arsenic acid,damn mousses with their siestas!!)
And all those things in a desert...,1st.those sun ray catchers protects pieces of land where they placed,2nd.. a lot of energy,3rd 20%-30% capacity,does not matter,enough "land" there,the old plates(plates because the desert sand has demolishing effect on movable parts,and it's "easy"and fast to lay in serial...) cq.. sun-ray catchers could be re-used,given/or sold in the form of welfare for people living in remote places with enough sunlight(every bit helps) ..that when better ones could be placed , capacitate of production of the "old" ones could do the job,the HVDC cables,can stay where the r "planted"
4rd.with the electricity production a lot of old dirty production methods can moved to the past,the energy they catch can be used to drive machines on there,later on,to use for digging rivers from the sea,instead of Libia's eight "world wonder"..........hhhhmmmmm better then the topics i see now in the news,oil/and gas plants on fire and black smoke......hhhmmmm that will come i think.....and not only that desert also all the other,Australia inland....
and more....that's what i was thinking again after reading that great world wonder called: the Great Wall "seen from the sky"........get that fucking energy from the sky............hhhmmm positive possibility's,for humans earth and life.......without so many shit on and from the world today....or putting more shit in the earth in the future with more problems for later maybe.........

Now that could be a new "wonder"

Laughing sun

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

Sigarette....Camel Brand..

Now this shit from the B.A.T. factory...
The brand Camel......

Is it a Camel???? or a Dromedary!!!???!!!
It can be a Camel with breast cancer......Stupid shit!!!!
The whole factory,those ships of the dessert English SAS moran from Discovery,sleeps in it
and shit arabs playing with them,those breast cancer shit animals....yes cancer from the sun there because a big gape in the atmosphere giving that animal cell defects.... and Turkish en domestic blend is also stupid....suck the air and smoke of Turkey and u get that,fuck off and the coverment here,get's 2,60 euro for one packet of cigarette's
and when u r the cancer treatment for that disease,while those cigarette production cost's maybe.....0,2 cent each............Shit on it Nicotiana Tabacum.....ships of the deserts...........stupid name,stupid animal,Camel milk with cancer out of it,no ship,and nomads leading them to now-here,just an animal for the package...
Here i don't see a Turk with a camel and the whole shit on that animals back go back to Turkey!!!!or go on vacation to their land for a few months,no they have 5 weeks and then must came back to work here..or get that animal is to slow for them........
Desert...meat for them...

Have a nice day..

A Camel.... Tirol,with two big boobs,making....

So those two animals,create a new sub-culture specie over-there while skiing.............

...and on all those packages the sign...
and In The End u,can give the animals the packages back to feed them...

ow and...chocolate give females who have no sex,a feeling,like sex for 0,00001 seconds
that's why u must give them a chocolate factory,and u can go away from them,and do your thing,
that's why they....

like that............fart ...without sound........

50cent had his act,and this is the afterparty.......

So kiddy's liked the event...and the afterparty?????

And that fucking shit...only to get some.........Respect

so those 50ct peeps drinking 20dollar bottles of water
fucking asses,are the same as nazi's where doing in second world war
blowing body's up with water,through the ass in Poland
camp Auswitch

And hey!!!water can do a lot of good......

vrijdag 25 maart 2011

Snus...versus Tuber culose......cellulose......lactose too shit the shit out!!

This dog will be shot to death,because they are afraid of his look...bad behaviour..because humans don't threat him well  or giving love...manipulation and abuse....sick minded and with this healthy know...we not all gonna go
FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!sick people here in my surrounding....area...not all but....
HHHmmm was checking,a card about illness....truth and no truth on it...or......mentally ill in some way's.....
insane as me no! or maybe.........
Tuberculoses........paper,smoke,death the Swedish peeps....with their Snus...,was thinking and surfing...and then i know it!.First looked at this Google earth/satellite/maps..layers and on...--->>
Google Health.....through a hyper link in the flash readable BOOK .....on the side......hhhmmmm everything readable on that way......nice...
I was thinking about Swedish girls over there....will they lay the snus on/in their vagina... and that shit is there is dried out??or will the snus lovers,lick that area and because of the snus,the tongue take all the hair there away??
so that's the snus they sell.....when dried and the have no hair there anymore and the shit  in it is ice???
The fish there is radio active,and there will be light out of that pussy through the ice,that's gonna be used too make enlightening the world.............nope.
Then i took a screenshot of that Google earth layer.....and draw some lines about measles and pollution...

click the image.

that's something that's right i guess...the lines yes,and how it comes

the picture above...a 1st a dog then the second the swine skull
and look at h1n1 areas........h1....element nr1
pigs in area's where it that decease is, bad food.....airborne births blablabla how they threat animals....bad!!!
fuck that shit,mental thoughts,human behaviour....
they all die!!!!rotten in HELL..
water..............must be clean.........for live...
they blablabla here about nr ONE
shit losers manipulating the shit,blablabla telling this and that,wife,kids,blablabla
hookers dicks....shitty conversations,no relationship......trying to get me in all kinds of state of minds..
not gonna happen,and the fat "mother"........may die and all the others also...
people dirty,earth clean........people clean,earth dirty......dirty dirty....clean clean....


donderdag 24 maart 2011


HHmmmmm,was getting beer here in the mall,got the choise.....or the new system  through an scanning device or pay the shit,by an "old fashion"  checkout....,in one way,the interaction between the buyer and the checkout...girl/bitch/whatever character....female for 98% it is,is also good/or not...........for those two minutes....
but now a days ,yes i come there in a daily frequency now.. ...the checkout is frustrating....waiting...waiting...waiting..nice,not nice...but ok,BEER or some other elements binded together to became an liquid that is good for consumption......
was thinking...why ow why....,here brown bottles,other country's green ones or whatever the color is,why all those sticky notes full with signs and the brand??why not printed on the bottle cheaper for production,easier to clean...less threes down,less coloring chemicals.....on and on,ow that's why!!! i think now,it all goes back to one big cleaning factory,not back to the brewery or...hhhmmm i must think about that.,but hey ok biljons of bottles,one time refund on it.....less production's not what's on it,it's whats in it,and one time the outside,and every time refill........???understand it...or desert and on and on trying to clean and fill it...with death body's yes,fuck that dried out fucking death skulls the sand,and a fossil that's hard too find  while there r  many/much..........just the same as crush the glass..or vaporise the fucking walking death men through a big bang shit man..too many handling processes to make the same shit again....that costs a lot of energy..............while on the stockmarket barrels......of oil..barrels yeahyeahyeah barrels,they re-use those barrels yes,but those days are's a fucking nightmare,it's like an unborn child in the body of a mother emptied through an sucking device with a diameter of 1meter to get the blood of the baby out.FUCK THAT!
and that because they wanna ride.....on a fucking pussy bitch,or a car......stupid bad shit...........,that's why huttus and tustsi's..whatever got blades to behead's like a fountain of champaign for them.....plop.....skull a meter high...3 seconds..a blood fountain..........empty bottle...throw it away.....fuckin cleaning insects come...and the people who live there get sick those insects......let them die,and get the best out of that hell......
NO organisations who wanted biljons of cash to fuck and trying to save the shit there if it goes that way.sick world after all??No Way in my mind...blablabla every-one has something to hold on...hehehehheee all down on the ground presurized,flat.........death bye...have a good day.....hold the earth,or dig deep like a worm.......and die because u've not the  system to keep urself alive there....
goldmines.............dune...........fort knox.....................stupid shit! niggers with gold teeth...soft metal...what do they eat???yeah and my teeth are gone..because of sugar.......sour......greedy dentists,,mercury...hahahahhahahaha...hmmmm polymer.........titanium...........2 the jaw.....kiss my ass with an in and out toothface,i will smile with my rotten teeth....fuck that.

hhhmmm this one-->to keep the fluid in it under pressure?

or the wasting one..............

One time.............................time........light-years,microseconds.........nano backwards wind it up.(had aids said) this one..........shitting microbe in cells......trying to putting u down.........with ur stomic on the earth,then in the in the ground........trying to shit gas through an wooden box,like death people do before burried  8 feet deep................ow 16 now a days.................thinkthinkthink...... heights,lengths,ages......... them...."taking" them.......learning them..........

On an Apple..or pc....sticky system notes...and the apple............ONE TIME......or another brand....
daily stuff...............mass production...better ways...


bye.......go back to ur "hand" of "GOD" with ur dick,and the rest........HAHAHAHAHA  yeah stupid shit on earth..or not..???

other figures,faces...and later in this one others...


powersaving bulb cq. lamp

This morning..................walking...................i was 50m further from my home,standing still,to read a sign behind a window of a "house" outdoor-lamp for at night was burning.....with an power saving lamp in it.
A Philips 11Watt was burning at daylight.........found that strange....A power saving light "burning"(not that bulb is burning but a fucking power-station...ow now no power-station,it's TATA here that's giving energy,and burning thing's to give light.....So i pushed on the doorbell and a weird person opens the door,I asked him why the light was on....answer:Yes,then i don't have too put it on at night???weird...paradox...,no u if know what i mean,That lazy motherfucker is mentally ill....a saving light at daylight on,and too lazy turn it off at day...
So i asked him why he had an saving bulb in it,and let it burn ...there is no logic in that......
The weird man...had another answer for that,.....???!!!!! Big trucks standing for his home,and he was afraid,that something happens.......that's why the Mofo let it on......he at home,and not in an mental hospital like me.......or 8 foot deep.....not like me...jet..................those men who do that.....must be cut of of electricity at daytime,Yes it's 11WATT!!! 11 WATT....some grams of waste burned for that,or cubic mm gaz,or coal...,a nuclear energy  plant is splitting stuff for time shifter between it,i asked him why not.....mmmmmmmnnnjaaaa whatever.....


And ow yes!!about faces everywhere on things,not made by the hand of a human........see them on threes,and other things,hhhmmmmm,no camera too show that now,maybe later......see them on more and more things....
Say's something about this globe,really amazing how those images are drawn on natural nature.

Was lookin'for a camera on a site like this,but the one on this screenshot below, is not gonna be the one.

p.s.............none of those small ones fit the job,they 'r all non weather prove.....and use prodigy also,just like that crazy lunatic in the story above.......

zondag 20 maart 2011

LED Photoframe.......?!?............Thin Layer.......

Ey.... Got a 3D Big screen LED television?
The next thing is a 3D photo frame maybe....
Remember your death family member in 3D with glasses on....How stupid.........
or your little kid........that's grown up, and a became a menage to society...u can show him how he was when he was young,with his glasses on........?????
That are the things they wanna sell u.....on TELL HELL...or one of those thousands other television selling programs??? 
3D LED mobiles??
Then u are married with a partner who's Catholic or another religion that has female/or male or whatever whose hanging pictures from death parents on the wall or in a photo frame,and u come home from a "hard" day of work,think about it.... maybe u hate them,and then u see them every day in 3D because u watch ur television screen in 3D and go to the kitchen to get something,come back...BANG through your visual internal network stuck like a worm in your brain and at night,it's crawling through ur dreams that became...NIGHTMARES!!!

Then they came with all kinds of frames with battery's,with 220/230V feed,or in the US 110V....hhhmmm would it be the same that as if U.S.citizens buy  220V bulbs here in Europe and put them there.....gggrrr old fucking bulbs...but still in the market.....u r 1/2 cheaper with ur electricity,that with the battery's ,damn i shuffle all the things.
with wi-fi   without wi-fi (it's gonna be hacked,and there it is,in the frame)----->>

hehehehe,is that better then???in 3D u can play with it just the same as playing air guitar,but then with a Barbie

I was thinking about this...item topic,because last year i gave my grandparents a digital lcd photo frame wit all the pictures of the family members on it,wit an electricity wire........,they celebrate their 50 years of marriage,but hey too old to have such item in their room,instantly in the tray....old pictures on the wall,better,saves electricity,hhhmmm but hey LED (i with rechargeable battery's,maybe,maybe if the pics r ok...... for artwork not a little frame...hhhmmm the same as a tv or pc screen.....but what u see now in trains,and other transportation vehicles...and no internet,ads from local business what nobody. want too watch because every minute the same shit,yes that's here,and that;s why i don't take those public transportationvehicles,but...but if there was something like this...Applied Levitation Technics..... also in city's
with let's say 6 seat "cocons" through Google-maps  street number building number and where u wanna be....... internet in it..damn then u've privacy to enjoy your "ride" alone or with friends or with family,less noise pollution,more birds and other animals where u life........clean as possible for they environment....and for long distance the trains,from city to city or other places to do your shit.. and all other transportations,through that system that can also be possible....yes it's a long way...but hey...if the oil wells are dried out or the globe gives to much negative reactions in the future because of that,i think it's a better solution then instead of most other alternative fuel transportations........
Get with such system too a racetrack and drive an olds mobile or so for some time,too feel the past.....
or we go all like Lance Armstrong....round the globe...1000ts  of km or get where u are...
I'ts all about saving some energy huh? in the future,your own and that of the globe.....

HHHmmm from 3D LED photoframes to this and can be.will it be?The speed u can control with some borders build in by ur self....and if u go to fast on the wrong lane...NO! 3D LED COP, maybe  an hologram where u can drive bad,no flat cops....(kidding)i think because of the created situation then,the policemen  will not be...needed so much anymore......

Have a nice life ...round and round we all go

And not exactly like this movie
---That's not completely realistic,wiping your ass with shells--
--or this kids bud--

vrijdag 18 maart 2011

Images On The Globe,Through Weather,Ground,Water,And In Situations..part. 2 and the last in this blog

Made some other without an serious impulse....there are serious impulses in this 2nd part!!!....try to find the clue for yourself,,,ow i whill explain the 1st....
Middle East,screenshots..powered by... Scientists,brought on the web by.Google .
PICTURE of Turkey and Middle-East-->
                       Click on the picture to expand,in a new tab or window..

Looks like an...Yes simple surrounded lines,but i guess u see it,with my own interpretation of it.
good the skull out of the stomic of this erea,NEXT picture..close-up of Middle-East and Saudi-Arabia-->
Take a look how i surrounded the area wit h red lines,and then,the mapc olors, hights ,and place on this globe 
Strange isn't it,looking on maps,from satellite images and all i show u,and u see on the pictures,are bigger things then we could imagine,or have under control,and what i want to say is that technology that make this possible,show us how this world,shows itself.....

Next....think what u have to think,it became out of my "rotten" vision.

                 Spain,the country of salty dried pig meat

Looking at Italy,Catholic,Italy a shoe,1shoe,the pig...don't need it.......take it bag,kicking shit in my mouth or brain............
Stupid and strange shit huh,religion,borders,how lands hapes can look,and what it can say.....

Last one,smile for it,there are serious issues in it,but some of the lines i put on the screencrab,r just for laughing......AMERICA!!!--->
   ------Click on image-----

and smile,think,what does this mean...all those drawings,colors,the date i made this topic,and what's happening on the globe,at that time..Google can help u....

The light blue circle is is waste(one of a few)..that has to be clean,otherwise,the shit there will be heated in the pacific,fish die...enz. u know it......and further the rest is giggling with a bite of serious shit!

Really take good care of the planet,and the planet takes good care of u..u can fuck it up over the line and it will show it's real face.the most things starts microbic,and grows and grows...till it's to big..and then earth,weather nature say's:8 FOOT DEEP!.......

This was the last topic with skulls,faces...i saw in time i use the same screenshots and try to explain,step by step,whats going on,with situations,moments,where it came from,and maybe some ideas to change things......or how it can  be........somehow wants to play a game of chess now on big energy resources,where things through nature go wrong(read..not under total control)go build an house there,and make baby's now.....NOPE...and no one can have the blame for it individual...or???INDIVIDUAL.....society,spill or not..........

Yes spill yes,eat the whole day,fuck like rabbits,make then kids,and go underground like the same rabbits,and life there without electricity....there is enough,but don't throw anything in the ocean,or in one fucking garbage bag....

Man i'm weird now...late..night....later on some serious shit...but the people who read this blog...if there r any.......know it........or want to know...or give me the things to shit this shit here on this "page"

it's not only negative on the globe...and i don't be the one,who's running to those places,to hide from
DOOM 8...

have a better generation,after a good day bedtime....

donderdag 17 maart 2011

Between 2 Mountains Of SHIT!!

So Mr. Ghadaffi e,or whatever ur status nr.,life or Rank on the family three is,do u even have threes in ur country,or r u an puppet from hell,playing with fire,and scared to dry out???
Don't have it under control there?with ur soldiers,bitches, and family,invest in something better!!!
U stupid 1960 jazz/soul motha fucking character.
Nice talking every day with terrorists,murders,weapon sellers, stock traders,bitches moving like snakes,through that important shit of u,while maybe....yes maybe the one of those bitches of u has giving birth to this child-->

The sperm given as a present by an outsider,or an family member of u....that kid never had the time to grow up..even never had the chance to learn something,man moran,invest in other energy resources,an two abu-dabi that has a facebook account or probably fucking other morans from other country's trying to pretend they r,with does names say: I found this shit Funny ...facebook,accounts,internet....child....death!!!
How is it in the sun??can u handle it,enjoy it?Living in Tripoli,with shitty white clothed allah blahblahblah,and the pope dancing naked there also,selling heroin,oil,kids,bitches,weed,and out of date CD's,and finally the last drop of water from a desert through a system u call 8th world wonder!!!!

it's the sun isn't it,and all those outlaws,bitches,that give u a mirror, where u can't see urself in,because of those Italiano made sunglasses,maybe a RAY-BAN......
Owwwww,and Europe is now the traitor...and u don't sell that black shit anymore to EU.......go have a swim in it idiot!! YEAH all this because of that one picture,maybe a child from a mother throwing the last stones to a...ppppffffff whatever.............i've seen pictures before...humans cut in too,there is something wrong huh?,with ur "sheep's" make a nice kebab from it,eat it,and die slowly pls.......

One child,5.000.000 miljon believers,100 crazy mothafuckers,and triljons gallons of oil,problems like mountains,to come to the stage of insanity...hhhmmm it's gonna be a nice future for the offspring....NOPE.

So fuck like rabbits,don't care about others,throw bombs,let nature do his job,watch it from the ISS,feeling like a
god in an metal box out there,NOPE!,and try to make the globe as "ALLAH",cq "GOD" created  it........

Yeah i'm rich here,two botlles of water,1 pair of socks,no kids,aids,and pills,a dog i fuck every night,a stolen bike,and a factory where i make Galaxy's,and an SP,and neighbours,and grass,and,and,and.....PPPFFFhfrheio;Ugtr5fhg666by!!!%9fjkf,so i can type this...are u happy now?


what i see in the media now what's happening there,is an backwards spiral of human evolution....

-That ball is someones rectum,and everybody wants to go in it,grow there...and shitted out-
Tjjjeeehhh what a lot of future.....hhhhmmm sheeps,dogs,plants,murders,jazz musicians,hoppers or scarrabees
  wanted too grow there in shit....Ghaddaffy's SHIT!!maybe...and when they r full grown they became....humans i hope,maybe i meet them here in Europe,for sure,because it's the shortest route to get out of hell,and then...yes then...i may tell them a fairy tail before they go to i take my bicycle,go to there,and save Family Ghaddaffy by myself,only to tell him that last fairy tail,about a sun and a moon,and AK47 and blood and rotten corps in baked sand and fly's,and humans,and women and..and...and POWER
energydrink made out of bat shit from a cave,echo's between mountains,or in hollow mountains..that sounds great too,sink in that stupid mountain or piramid of u,don't need it.

Link this to his head courters,and it came from an IP-nr registrated for his holy toilet!!!!
or not...i'll face those bodyguard private Ghaddaffi murder bitches right in their vagina's before i get killed..

So and finally Libia's last hope...YES...shitted out of with suit and all instant by the woman on the picture above

Maybe,yes maybe he has some great tricks...that little man yes,see his eyes...speaking like..YESYES i want to fuck 72 mama sluts,YESYESYES,and Ghadaffi,YES my SON u may...So r u happy now?????Lady's?????with a possessed looking troll......

Images On The Globe,Through Weather,Ground,Water,And In Situations..

Something else today...through satellite and old cards u can see them,most of it through satellites,and that is strange,strange because,today i've downloaded an satellite weather image from NASA,and i don't know if they fuck the shit up with an photo-editor,but ok,that's for u too deside,in my eyes it's real,got an old globe here and an relief wall card,and there i see some signs and other things too.
But ok let's start with the weather image out of an NASA controlled satellite-->
I've draw lines on the image,where i see my eyes an samoerai(because of the hairstyle) in action mode...fighting that is.
Strange huh on a moment above Japan where daily life is not ok..............
now i do one other picture form Google-Earth maps, a picture of Indonesia and Papua-New Guinea--->
         -click on image to expand-
The Red surrounded area..Papua New Guinea on the right,the left,the island where the picture lives for real,in our ground vision without satellite images like these,click on it and say if u disagree with me that the island not has almost the same shape as the animal on the picture below-->>
-Almost out of extinction-
The Comodo dragon

Could or shall it be,that the Google image show us,that Papua New Guinea was the birth ground of that species?HHmmmm old storys from that island can tell us that.
And that the dragon was there top predator/carnivore
before skull fucking motherfuckers with bones through their nose,behead all the shit there,and put the heads on pointed sticks,to make "gods" afraid,and that animal thought...hhhmmmm not a nice chill area i go have a swim and move to the next island..East Timor?I guess the Papua's in that time saw this animal as an holy animal sended by their "god" and that was the reason,they cut heads of people from other tribes on that island too make this animal happy,and not coming in their living area...with other words...they where afraid!!!(afraid,a good thing/sign too let u know when u go over some kind of line of ...hmmm natural/universal facts)
In an Era in time on earth,after the time of great Dinosaurs,where wiped out through an meteorite(Red Rock??)
And that this short one was protected by forest/wood,or water...?
(p.s.)If u expend the look from the "Google" sky
you will or not...see more...
(Google makes it GNU for the mass)

Chili and the Crusoe Islands...(2nd picture on top)
South-America with some signs9there is more...

White Icy  Skull above Santiago.

ESO very large telescope....Chili,looks like an....

For the coastline of Chili...

Robinson Crusoe Islands...

Next!Isla Robinson Crusoe,coming out of a mouth from a skull under the surface of the ocean...

How does Isla Robin...Looks like??

Close-up of the Island....Looks nice huh?the forest,but what does what?

On a mountain of that island,a "ghost" with both arms stretched

Now in the air...clouds,look like? my eyes it is.

                                And at least of this Crusoe Chili Shit,Yeah,eat Chili's and u shit.
                    A wiki-screen capture with some info about some birds or insects when birds are gone from the area,and what they eat and need.
That,with pictures above,can tell a lot about the future.........if not in harmony with the nature there.

otherwise check for urself,and to the people in Santiago if u read this shit,or can...
watch out for ur future,when u sold too many hummingbirds........and keep  them lonely in little cases,so other species must do their job,and those u can't keep in cases....

So have a nice fuckin 'life over there.i put some music on

BYE. other part later...maybe.....

Paradise huh?Everything get shorter and Smaller,even my dick, when i go for a swim
in the Arctic Ocean,and deadly as..Hell???!!!???Paradox huh?
(come back to that one...the deathly as Hell i mean!!)