dinsdag 17 januari 2012

I was thinking...

Solarpanels.......here an example.....SOLARPANELS!!!...measurments:1.3 meters lenght,1.0 meters wide..
easy to use on a grid.....they produce a lot of these panels worldwide.......on the SOLARPANELS link,these ones r  peak power 180 watts..........let's calculate.....

1.3 m lenght
1.0 m wide
130 meters in length(150m)
100 meters wide(120m)
100x180w peak power
18000watt peakpower

These ones are cheap chinese made ones......with "just" 180 watt peak power

now i check google maps.....-->
8x500km lenght-3x500kmwide
minus 40 % land......

100x18000watt peakpower=1800000watt peak power
10.000 panels of that firm on the link...but there r a lot of firms.......and these panels r just 180Wp...
130km2 (180km2)
So now u count on!!!!(see the picture above with the measurments under it!!)

Lay some hvdc cables from siemens or another brand...to Europe...and other cables or the same to
West Africa.....and a lot is done.
Those panels protect the globe survace from overheating...we get energy....that piece of desert has no other meaning,it;s fast to lay.....Look at the timescale......TIMESCALE!!!
and a lot of home electronic goodys and office buildings and on... can do their job!
Lay the panels in a good mosaic(sun)......

Win-Win...Europe can produce for others,North Africa produce for others,West Africa gets its desert energy also...and this thing in my mind is just a start...of something better.....

No coal any more in Europe(Netherlands Hemkade..oig,Google it).....less nucleair powerplants in France...
So two continents have a lot of energy from the sun...and the best...those panels r mass produce now,and they dont need water !!(almost no water)So this is a start....for a greater plan i'have in mind)

We Are The People Of The Sun( a paradox isn't it?this link!!) THINK U MOFO'S OF THIS TIME!!!

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