and while walking i was thinking about pulsation of a pulsar.
This i typed in Google:
a pulsar is an astronomic star,who/what is sending/showing through electromagnetic fields light that goes in some kind of frequency on and off,like the lips of a person or living creature making noise to tell something something ,the lips shut and open and that is the same as pulsation,so in my thoughts it can be possible that the star is "saying" something,in other words let us show something,or its the same as morse as a sign on sea from a ship,to short lights,one long light.........dark.........3 long light,2 short light.........yeah baby,universal planetarian language...if,if we know the language of that.......think about white noise and on and on.
and came on another link anymore....not needed now,maybe the holder of the blog will leave a comment here.......
but hey!!!! don't listen to a pulsar,it won't and can't knock on the wall in a prison cell next to yours,in this case the pulsar can't knock against the earth atmospheric layers.......and creating a sound.....can't?
hehehe,knowledge huh!No invention of men at this stage on earth can create an reverence point that can "hear" or be the
universal translator for electromagnetic pulsations for objects in the Universe,that can explain us everything.
Done period....
White noise..................................................had some moments and situations that i or my mind thought something to hear in a so called "white noise" that came into my hearing sence ,through an electrical device,in a moment of time on one particular day,and what i heard was strange,in my language together with some white noise,and more.i don't gonna tell the situation and what i thought/think i heard,people will tell i'm crazy,but thinking back about this one,i personal take that situation serious enough to type this shit here.truth,fiction or not.......................................maybe if someone will ask me,i will tell the precise conditions and the facts.....but hey what is the
frequency Kenneth?....hhhhmmmmm and then the dreams,at highest point just before u awake and then most of the time u forget them or have only some fragments of it left in ur memory............
have fun in life and don't give all psychic activity that u don't understand a name that u can't explain.....
I will not listen to an explanation,from another person that i can't understand.........that is trying to explain what he don't understand....weird science isn't it?NOPE!